SEO and the New Rainmaker Platform
Technology is constantly changing and growing. Sometimes it can feel challenging to keep up with the latest and greatest web technologies. However, each new innovation makes the process of creating and maintaining a website more effective. This is especially true of the new Rainmaker Platform, which is an all in one web tool that integrates design, performance metrics, and content together on one platform. This new platform is pretty exciting because it drastically improves the options you have for creating content-driven websites, membership sites, and many other types of websites. You can customize your site more than other web platforms allow, but you don’t need be a coding expert. It even has Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools, but you should consider your options before launching a new SEO campaign on your own.
Disadvantages of Using Rainmaker SEO without an Expert
While it is true that the new Rainmaker Platform does a great job of integrating all of a website’s needs, there is one area in particular that we would caution you about: Rainmaker SEO. You need to be cautious with your SEO strategy because free organic traffic is the lifeblood of a website. Without a constant stream of visitors to your site, it doesn’t matter how sleek and sexy your design is or how polished your infographics and images are because, in the end, no one will see them.
Don’t misunderstand us, we think that the Rainmaker Platform does a great job providing tools that will aid a developer with optimizing their website for search engines, but there is one caveat. The tools were created for people who have a very narrow and limited understanding of SEO and are basic in nature. Also, a tool’s effectiveness goes only as far as the skills of the individual wielding the tool. It doesn’t matter how great a tool is if the person using it doesn’t have the required skill set. An SEO expert is going to be more effective than a do-it-yourself job because they understand industry proven techniques that lie outside the scope of the Rainmaker Platform tools.
Can You Outperform the Rainmaker SEO Experts?
In today’s internet market places, competition is incredibly fierce. Expert SEO knowledge is a must-have if you expect your website to outperform your competitors. If you do not rank on the first page of Google for any of your keywords, your website will largely be ignored. It takes hard work and the right know-how to rise to the top three positions in the SERP’s, and who do you think is doing the work to get a website there? A novice who just learned about SEO a week ago or an expert with years of experience? Again, the Rainmaker Platform SEO tools are only a good as the person using them.
If you are new to SEO and decide to do it yourself, your only hope to reach page one of the search results is by outperforming industry experts who have been doing this for years. Oh, and they have more advanced tools than you, too. It takes intimate knowledge of the latest search algorithm updates and experience using the latest SEO best practices to gain relevant rankings. Let us be frank. This takes a lot of time! It is advantageous to hire someone who has already developed these specialized skills so you can spend your time focusing on the important aspects of your website utilizing the new Rainmaker Platform.
What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
What’s worse is that if you don’t know what you are doing, you could actually be harming your search engine rankings. We have heard of countless individuals who decided to pick up a book and learn SEO so they could do it themselves. The only problem is that materials and resources that describe SEO methods can quickly become outdated as soon as Google tinkers with their search algorithm. Some older SEO practices and techniques will actually penalize your rankings now! As a result, their rankings plummeted and they made Google’s ‘naughty list.’ We highly advise against starting your own Rainmaker SEO campaign on the new Rainmaker Platform if your SEO skills are anything less than phenomenal.
Watch this short video to learn more about our SEO services and some of the complexities surrounding this critical marketing activity.
Contact Us now to set up your initial Rainmaker SEO services consultation.
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