As we know, email messages that are personalized, relevant, and contain the appropriate email subject lines are likely to get opened by the recipient. This is especially true for the email subject lines. The length of a typical subject line is around 50 characters, so you have to grab the readers’ attention, enticing them to open your email and take the desired action rather than report it as spam. I have listed five insights for writing subject lines that are not wasted and that can help email campaigns be successful.
Email Subject Lines Impact
Insight 1: Sensational Headline. Really, pick up any newspaper and watch where your eyes are drawn. Feel how the subject matter triggers an emotional response from you. Email subject lines work the same way. Short and intriguing newspaper headlines compel a reader to read deeper into the story line. Email subject lines are no different. Clearly state your subject line and what readers can expect to find that may satisfy their needs or desires.
Insight 2: What is Your Objective? Email marketing can be quite the monster if done improperly and will probably result in getting your message reported as spam. Think about your objective as the key to your campaign success. Clearly state what you want readers to do by delivering a “call to action.” If you are looking for readers to buy something, then say so in your email subject lines.